We sure you’re wondering: what is gunite and why is this the best choice for your pool?
Gunite is a mixture of cement, sand and water that is applied through a pressure hose.
What’s so special about that? Well, gunite is so popular because it is the most versatile form of pool construction that there is. Our goal is to give you the pool of your dreams and that means size, shape and appearance of your pool are designed with your visions in mind. We can achieve this with gunite because it is incredibly easy to shape your pool in any way you’d like, giving your pool and your backyard that custom feel.
Another advantage to gunite is that it is incredibly durable. These pools are built to last. We know when you go into this process that you’ll want a product you can enjoy for years to come and gunite is the product that will accomplish that goal.
Lastly, gunite is a fantastic product for your pool because the customizations for your pool’s appearance will be endless. Not only is the shape of your pool able to reflect the exact vision you have in mind but there are so many different finishes for you to choose from. Want a pebbled look to your pool? Gunite can do that. Want that high end, sleek finish? Gunite can get the job done.
Gunite is a superior product to others out there because it can accomplish everything that you dream of when it comes to your backyard. Let us create something beautiful for you!